CalVal Resources Tools


This section of the CalVal Portal provides the access to:

  • CalVal Software Tools
    general and specific software to support the calibration tasks. Presently, download links to the BEAM toolbox with patches and the Radiative Transfer Code '6s' is provided.
    It is planned to further extend the range of tools when they become available.
  • CalVal Software Services
    services to support the calibration tasks. In its target state, the CalVal Portal shall perform typical, predefined calibration tasks on the server and supply the user with a result set consisting of calibration coefficients.

Presently, the generation of 6s input files from a combination of site, date, and user-supplied information is implemented.

CalVal Software Tools

Tool Description
BEAM BEAM is the Basic ERS & Envisat (A)ATSR and Meris Toolbox and is a collection of executable tools
and an application programming interface (API) which have been developed to facilitate the utilisation,
viewing and processing of ESA MERIS, (A)ATSR and ASAR data.
WOPP The Water Optical Properties Processor (WOPP) allows calculation of the inherent optical properties of pure water at atmospheric pressure and at a specific water temperature and salinity, namely absorption (absorption coefficient), scattering (scattering coefficient for any angle, for back -, forward-, and total scattering) and real part of the index of refraction. It was developed by GKSS.
6s Radiative Transfer Code.
E. Vermote, D. Tanr, J. Deuz, M. Herman, and J. Morcette, Second simulation of
the satellite signal in the solar spectrum 6S\: An overview
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 675--686, 1997.
TELIMAGO ALOS Expert tool by GAEL Consultant (Linux).
MODTRAN MODerate spectral resolution atmospheric TRANSsmittance algorithm and computer model (developed by U.S. Air Force Research Lab).
Streamer Streamer - a radiative transfer model for computing either radiances (intensities) or irradiances (fluxes).
Esov NG Esov NG - a desktop application to calculate and visualize orbit tracks and sensor swaths.
Recalibration of AATSR Reflectances This tool allows for the recalibration of AATSR reflectances. It was implemented as BEAM 4.5 operator within the MERIS/(A)ATSR Synergy project, based on algorithms by courtesy of D. Smith et al. (RAL). - To run this tool, you will need the latest BEAM software, which can be downloaded above.
LIBRADTRAN Library for radiative transfer - a collection of C and Fortran functions and programs for calculation of solar and thermal radiation in the Earth's atmosphere.
DIMITRI The Database for Imaging Multi-spectral Instruments and Tools for Radiometric Intercomparison (DIMITRI) contains L1 data from various medium resolution imagers over terrestrial targets chosen for their radiometric properties and/or the availability of in-situ radiometric measurements. DIMITRI comes with a suite of tools that allow comparison of the L1 data originating from various sensors in the database at top of the atmosphere (TOA) level.


CalVal Software Services

Service Description
6s Input Configuration Generates a 6s input configuration from given input.


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