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Fil d'Ariane




    The CCD (High Resolution CCD camera) camera provides images of a 113 km wide strip with 20m spatial resolution. Since this camera has a sideways pointing capability of ± 32 degrees, it is capable of taking stereoscopic images of a certain region. In addition, any phenomenon detected by the WFI may be "zoomed in" by the oblique view of the CCD camera with a maximum time lag of 3 days.

The CCD camera operates in 5 spectral bands that include a panchromatic one from 0.51 to 0.73 µm. The two spectral bands of the WFI are also present in the CCD camera to allow complementing the data of the two types of remote sensing images. A complete coverage cycle of the CCD camera takes 26 days. IRMSS is present in CBERS-1 and -2, not however in CBERS-2B, where it was replaced by HRC (High-Resolution Panchromatic Camera).


Status: Operational
Satellite CBERS
Launch Date: September 2001
Type: Imaging multi-spectral radiometers (vis/IR)
Measurements and Applications: Measurements of cloud type and extent and land surface reflectance, and used for global land surface applications

Technical Characteristics

Resolution: 20 m
N. of Bands: 4+1 Pan

VIS: 0.45 - 0.69 µm,
NIR: 0.77 - 0.89 µm,
PAN: 0.51 - 0.71 µm

Swath: 113 km




CCD CBERS-2 Web Page