
Test Sites


LANDNET SITES (CEOS Reference Sites)

The LANDNET Sites are a set of Land Equipped Sites (LES) endorsed by CEOS as standard reference sites for the post-launch calibration of space-based optical imaging sensors. During the CEOS IVOS-19 Meeting, held in Phoenix AZ, eight instrumented sites have been selected.

These instrumented sites are primarily used for field campaigns to obtain radiometric gain and these sites can serve as a focus for international efforts, facilitating traceability and cross-comparison to evaluate biases of in-flight and future sensors in a harmonized manner[1].


CEOS Reference Sites
Name Longitude Latitude Affiliation E-Mail
Tuz Golu 33.33 38.83 TUBITAK UZAY
Railroad Valley Playa -115.69 38.5 NASA/GSFC
Negev 35.01 30.11 Ben Gurion Univerisity
La Crau 4.86 43.56 CNES
Ivanpah Playa -115.40 35.57 NASA/GSFC
Frenchman Flat -115.93 36.81 NASA/JPL
Dunhuang 94.34 40.13 NSMC/CMA
DOME-C 123 -74.5 University of Washington



View LANDNET SITES in a larger map


[1] USGS - CEOS Reference Sites Web Page



Child Pages (8)

  • DOME-C

    DOME-C (LANDNET SITE) Dome C is a French-Italian scientific station located on the East Antarctic ice sheet. The altitude of the site is 3200 m and the distances from the coasts are larger than...

  • Dunhuang

    Dunhuang (LANDNET SITE) This site was operational radiometric calibration and validation for Chinese satellite sensors in 2001, and located on the east edge of the Kumutage Penniform Desert in...

  • Frenchman Flat

    LSpec Frenchman Flat (LANDNET SITE) The LSpec vicarious calibration site is situated on a homogeneous section of the Frenchman Flat dry lakebed found North-North-East of Mercury, Nevada on the...

  • Ivanpah Playa

    Ivanpah Playa (LANDNET SITE) It is one of the CEOS LANDNET Sites. The site is managed by NASA; for more detailed information regarding the site, the point of contact is Kurtis Thome...

  • La Crau

    La Crau (LANDNET SITE) It is one of the CEOS LANDNET Sites. The site is managed by CNES; for more detailed information regarding the site, the point of contact is Patrice Henry...

  • Lake Tuz-Golu

    Lake Tuz-Golu (LANDNET SITE) Lake Tuz (Turkish: Tuz Gölü meaning Salt Lake) is the second biggest lake in Turkey, located in the Central Anatolia Region, 105 km Northeast of Konya and 150 km...

  • Negev

    Negev (LANDNET SITE) The calibration site is called Shizafon Playa. The playa is located at 30°06'47”N and 35°00'34”E. Elevation is 340 m above MSL. The total size of the playa is about 200,000 sq....

  • Railroad Valley Playa

    Railroad Valley Playa (LANDNET SITE) The dry lakebed of Railroad Valley Playa, Nevada is located at 1350 m above sea level (38.504° N latitude, 115.692° W longitude). It is a desert site with no...