Infrared and Visible Optical Sensors Subgroup



The Mission of the IVOS Subgroup is to ensure high quality calibration and validation of infrared and visible optical data from Earth observation satellites and validation of higher level products 

Terms of Reference

  1. Promote international and national collaboration in the calibration and validation of all IVOS member sensors.
  2. Address all sensors (ground based, airborne, and satellite) for which there is a direct link to the calibration and validation of satellite sensors.
  3. Identify and agree on calibration and validation requirements and standard specifications for IVOS members.
  4. Identify test sites and encourage continuing observations and inter-comparison of data from these sites.
  5. Encourage the preservation, unencumbered and timely release of data relating to calibration and validation activities including details of pre-launch and in-flight parameters.
  6. In the context of calibration and validation encourage the full consideration of "traceability" in all activities involved in the end-to-end development of an EO product including appropriate models and algorithms.

Work Plan

The IVOS Work Plan is structured into themes and led by champions, with specific projects when needed, where IVOS strives to:

  • Look to develop best practices
  • Organize comparisons
  • Share learning and research activities
  • Share infrastructure / tools / methods
  • Make recommendations as needed

IVOS dedicated Repository and Forum

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