

Cal/Val Wiki Page

The Cal/Val Wiki Page is an environment where the community can edit or insert new topic regarding the Calibration and Validation of Satellite Data. To edit a page or to create a new topic is very simple, thanks to the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) technology; moreover, the system is fully compatible with the most common text editor and it is possible to import/export the text without loosing the document lay-out 


Child Pages (4)

  • Field Campaign Instruments

    In this section, detailed information regarding the most common instruments during the field Cal/Val Campaigns are described The instruments are: Automatic Weather Station ASD FieldSpec3...

  • Image Quality

    Image Quality Image Quality related to spatial resolution performances is the result of a complex relationship between: the impulse response of the spaceborne optical imagery system, its...

  • Terms and Definitions

    In this section, a list of Terms and Definitions is proposed.

  • Test Sites

    In this section, Information regarding the Test Sites are contained The Sites can be classified as follow: LES : Land Equipped Sites (e.g. LANDNET) LNES: Land Non Equipped Sites SES: Sea Equipped...