SI-Traceable Space-based Climate Observing System Workshop (SITSCOS) - Event Dates: 9-11 September, 2019 - National Physical Laboratory in London, UK


The SI-Traceable Space-based Climate Observing System Workshop (hereafter denoted SITSCOS) was hosted by the National Physical Laboratory in London, UK, 9-11 September 2019 and sponsored by the UK Space Agency. The workshop was organized under the auspices of the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) and the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites - Working Group on Calibration and Validation (CEOS-WGCV). The goal of the workshop was to quantify the benefits and resulting requirements of a space-based climate observing system and produce this Workshop Report ( summarizing current measurement capabilities, climate-based needs, and future plans for implementation. The international workshop included about 100 attendees and spanned users, satellite instrument designer/builders, metrologists, and space agencies with expertise across a wide range of applications and technologies.

                    Group photo at the SITSCOS Workshop. NPL UK Sept 2019

The Workshop Report and Agenda as well as all the presentations are available here