
  • CEOS-WGCV - SAR Subgroup
  • The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
  • Working Group on Calibration and Validation
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar Subgroup
Overview of CEOS WGCV – SAR Subgroup
The mission of the Synthetic Aperture Radar subgroup is to foster high-quality synthetic aperture radar data from airborne and spaceborne systems through precision calibration in radiometry, phase and geometry, and validation of higher level products.
Terms of Reference
The objectives of the Synthetic Aperture Radar subgroup, beyond those of the WGCV, are to:
  • Act as a forum for international technical interchange on the evolving methodologies, techniques and equipment of SAR calibration and validation.
  • Determine standard definitions and calibration / validation requirements for synthetic aperture radar imaging systems.
  • Support harmonisation of user products and formats as appropriate.
  • Facilitate international cooperative programmes in the calibration and validation of SAR systems.
  • Educate the SAR community.
Action Plan
A number of new SAR missions have been launched recently, or are being prepared for launch. Primarily based on active phase array antenna technology, these missions indicate a clear trend to higher resolution and increased radiometric and geometric performance. Novel calibration concepts and techniques for such missions are one of the key topics. Future systems, featuring digital beam forming techniques based on multi-channel architectures, will require further sophistication of calibration techniques and procedures. Identification and characterisation of calibration and validation reference sites (to include both natural and man-made targets), for the purposes of providing an easily accessible source of reference calibration data to data providers, will continue.
The subgroup meets annually to discuss results and new developments.