

CalVal Instrument Calibration Information - ENVISAT_MERIS

Instrument Calibration Information - ENVISAT_MERIS


MERIS is a programmable, medium-spectral resolution, imaging spectrometer operating in the solar reflective spectral range. Fifteen spectral bands can be selected by ground command, each of which has a programmable width and a programmable location in the 390 nm to 1040 nm spectral range..


System UID: urn:x-esa:object:instrument:ESA:Envisat:MERIS:v01

Short Name: MERIS

Long Name: Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer


Instrument Type: Imaging Multispectral Radiometer

Acquisition Method: Pushbroom

Geometric Characteristics

Swath Width at Nadir: 1150 km

Measurement Characteristics

Number of Bands: 15

Additional Documentation

Type: urn:x-esa:def:dictionary:ESA:documentTypes:v01#databook

Description: Page of ESA Website describing the Envisat mission.

Link: http://envisat.esa.int/

Type: urn:x-esa:def:dictionary:ESA:documentTypes:v01#databook

Description: Page of ESA Website describing the MERIS Instrument.

Link: http://envisat.esa.int/dataproducts/meris/CNTR3.htm#eph.meris.inst

Component: Camera1_Band1

Component: Camera1_Band2

Component: Camera1_Band3

Component: Camera1_Band4

Component: Camera1_Band5

Component: Camera1_Band6

Component: Camera1_Band7

Component: Camera1_Band8

Component: Camera1_Band9

Component: Camera1_Band10

Component: Camera1_Band11

Component: Camera1_Band12

Component: Camera1_Band13

Component: Camera1_Band14

Component: Camera1_Band15

Component: Camera2_Band1

Component: Camera2_Band2

Component: Camera2_Band3

Component: Camera2_Band4

Component: Camera2_Band5

Component: Camera2_Band6

Component: Camera2_Band7

Component: Camera2_Band8

Component: Camera2_Band9

Component: Camera2_Band10

Component: Camera2_Band11

Component: Camera2_Band12

Component: Camera2_Band13

Component: Camera2_Band14

Component: Camera2_Band15

Component: Camera3_Band1

Component: Camera3_Band2

Component: Camera3_Band3

Component: Camera3_Band4

Component: Camera3_Band5

Component: Camera3_Band6

Component: Camera3_Band7

Component: Camera3_Band8

Component: Camera3_Band9

Component: Camera3_Band10

Component: Camera3_Band11

Component: Camera3_Band12

Component: Camera3_Band13

Component: Camera3_Band14

Component: Camera3_Band15

Component: Camera4_Band1

Component: Camera4_Band2

Component: Camera4_Band3

Component: Camera4_Band4

Component: Camera4_Band5

Component: Camera4_Band6

Component: Camera4_Band7

Component: Camera4_Band8

Component: Camera4_Band9

Component: Camera4_Band10

Component: Camera4_Band11

Component: Camera4_Band12

Component: Camera4_Band13

Component: Camera4_Band14

Component: Camera4_Band15

Component: Camera5_Band1

Component: Camera5_Band2

Component: Camera5_Band3

Component: Camera5_Band4

Component: Camera5_Band5

Component: Camera5_Band6

Component: Camera5_Band7

Component: Camera5_Band8

Component: Camera5_Band9

Component: Camera5_Band10

Component: Camera5_Band11

Component: Camera5_Band12

Component: Camera5_Band13

Component: Camera5_Band14

Component: Camera5_Band15

CalVal Access to satellite data

CalVal In-Situ Reference

In-Situ / Reference data

Local (In Situ Data stored in the CalValPortal)

Additional Links:
