The tables below contain links to web sites focussing on calibration/validation relevant subjects. This list will evolve continuously over time. If you feel that links are missing, please feel free to use the feedback functionality of the CalValPortal to submit your suggestions.


 General Topics

Link Description
CEOS Home CEOS Home page.
CEOS Publications CEOS Publications and Newsletters
CEOS IDN CEOS International Directory Network
CEOS CARD4L CEOS Analysis Ready Data for Land
CEOS Water Portal CEOS Water Portal
ECV Inventory Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Inventory
OceanColor Web NASA's OceanColor Web is supported by the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
STAR - Cal/Val System NOAA STAR - Integrated Satellite Instrument Calibration/Validation System
MICROS Monitoring of IR Clear-sky Radiances over Oceans for SST (MICROS) is a web-based near-real time tool developed at NOAA/NESDIS for validation of clear-sky radiances over oceans from multiple AVHRR sensors onboard NOAA and Metop platform.
GEOSS Portal The GEOSS is an online map-based user interface which allows users to discover and access Earth observation data and resources from different providers from all over the world.
GSICS WMO Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS).
ASF Alaska Satellite Facility - SAR Data Calibration.
EUMETSAT Publications. EUMETSAT - Publications and Annual Reports.
CGMS The Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites.
Fiduceo Fiduceo - Fidelity and uncertainty in climate data records from Earth Observations.
Fiduceo Tutorials What is a measurement function? Sensitivity coefficients, errors and uncertainty. Considering sources of uncertainty/effects. The origin of error correlation. Evaluating error correlation. Introduction to the effects table.
Vicarious Calibration Portal for Space-borne GHGs Sensors The vicarious calibration techniques achieve to determine the radiometric spectral level and the sensor degradation. This website focuses on the high spectral resolution GHGs sensors (such as GOSAT, OCO-2, TRPOMI, OCO-3, and GOSAT-2) radiometric calibration in Railroad Valley Desert Playa, NV, USA..



Link Description
CCRS Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - Calibration/Validation.
CIRA/Colorado State University CIRA/Colorado State University - Instrument Calibration/Validation.
STAR - Home Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)
NOAA - Meteorological Sensors NOAA - Calibration of operational meteorological sensors.
NESDIS/NOAA National Enviromental Satellite, Data and Information Service.
NRSC - India National Remote Sensing Centre - Indian Space Research Organisation