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    CZI (Costal Zone Imager) CZI is a multispectral pushbroom CCD instrument developed by the Beijing Institute of Space Machines and Electricity, a facility of CAST. The objective is to provide in particular imagery of coastal regions (estuaries, tidal waters, monitoring of pollution, etc.). CZI has a repeat period of 7 days.
Note: the instrument is also referred to as the "4-band CCD Imager."is a multispectral pushbroom CCD instrument developed by the Beijing Institute of Space Machines and Electricity, a facility of CAST. The objective is to provide in particular imagery of coastal regions (estuaries, tidal waters, monitoring of pollution, etc.). CZI has a repeat period of 7 days.
Note: the instrument is also referred to as the "4-band CCD Imager."


Status: Operational
Satellite HY-1B
Launch Date: April 2007
Type: Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer
Measurements and Applications: Imagery of coastal regions - estuaries, tidal regions, etc.

Technical Characteristics

Resolution: 250 m
N. of Bands: 4

VIS: 0.40 - 0.75 µm,

Swath: 500 km


