

Terms and Definitions

In this section, a list of Terms and Definitions is proposed.


Child Pages (21)

  • Accuracy

    Accuracy is defined as: "Closeness of agreement between a quantity value obtained by measurement and the true value of the measurand"[1] References [1] ISO guide 99 Vocabulary for International...

  • Bias

    Bias is defined as: "Systematic error of indication of a measuring system"[1] References [1] ISO guide 99 Vocabulary for International Metrology

  • Calibration

    In the context of remote sensing, the Working Group on Calibration and Validation (WGCV) of the international Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) defines calibration as the process of...

  • Data Fusion

    Data fusion is a formal framework in which are expressed the means and tools for the alliance of data originating from different sources. It aims at obtaining information of greater quality; the...

  • Error

    Error is defined as: "Difference of quantity value obtained by measurement and true value of the measurand"[1] Error can be Systematic or Randomic Systematic error tends to shift all measurements...

  • In Situ Measurements

    In Situ Measurement is defined as: "A direct measurement of the measurand in its original place"

  • Lambertian Surface

    If a surface exhibits Lambertian reflectance, light falling on it is scattered such that the apparent brightness of the surface to an observer is the same regardless of the observer's angle of...

  • Methodology

    Methodology is defined as: "A generalised description of an approach or set of approaches to carry out a particular task. This provides an overview of concept but not the detail as in a protocol or...

  • Precision

    Precision is defined as: "closeness of agreement between quantity values obtained by replicate measurements of a quantity, under specified conditions" [1] References [1] ISO guide 99 Vocabulary for...

  • Procedure of Measurement

    The Procedure of Measurement is defined as: "detailed description of a measurement according to one or more measurement principles and to a given measurement method" [1] The measurement procedure...

  • Protocol

    Protocol is defined as: "closeness of agreement between quantity values obtained by replicate measurements of a quantity, under specified conditions"

  • Quality Assurance

    Quality Assurance refers to the overall management of the processes involved in obtaining the data From QA4EO guidelines: "All policies and systematic activities implemented within a quality...

  • Quality Control

    Quality Control refers to the activities undertaken to check and optimise accuracy and precision of the data after its collection

  • Quality Indicators

    A means of providing a user of data or derived product (which is the result of a process) with sufficient information to assess its suitability for a particular application. This information should...

  • Repeatability

    Repeatability is defined as : " Measurement precision under set of conditions including the same measurement procedure, same operator, same measuring system, same operating conditions and same...

  • Reproducibility

    Reproducibility is defined as : "measurement precision under a set of conditions including different locations, operators, and measuring systems"[1] References [1] ISO guide 99 Vocabulary for...

  • Stability

    Stability is defined as: " Ability of a measuring system to maintain its metrological characteristics constant with time" [1] References [1] ISO guide 99 Vocabulary for International Metrology

  • Standardisation

    "Establish an agreement (not necessarily obligatory) on precise procedures and concepts" Standardisation is the process of developing and agreeing upon technical standards. A standard is a document...

  • Traceability

    It is defined as: "Property of a measurement result relating the result to a stated metrological reference (free definition and not necessarily SI) through an unbroken chain of calibrations of a...

  • Uncertainty

    It is defined as: "Parameter that characterizes the dispersion of the quantity values that are being attributed to a measurand, based on the information used"[1] Uncertainty is a non-negative...

  • Validation

    Validation is defined as: "The process of assessing, by independent means, the quality of the data products derived from the system outputs"[1] In engineering or as part of a quality management...